Friday, April 27, 2012

High Five for Friday!! {April27}

I'm linking up over at From My Grey Desk for my Friday High Fives!!

My first High Five goes to Abigail, my little slugger, for hitting a triple at her t-ball game.  She was soooo proud of herself. 

My second High Five goes out to me and my husband for making the tough decision to put our house up for sale.  We are planning on downsizing for a couple of years to pay of debt, because debt sucks!!

High Five number three is for the fact that summer vacation is only 20 days away!!!  AAgghh I can't wait!

High Five to my mother-in-law Mindy for saving the day.  My mom is my babysitter and she called at 3am to say she was sick and couldn't keep the boys.  I had maternity leave at the beginning of the school year and have no sick or personal days left to take.  I was willing to take off and be docked probably around 200 dollars, but Mindy is watching them for me today.  Yayyy!!

And my last High Five goes to....... Austin for finally deciding to be a big boy and tee-tee standing up instead of sitting and tucking.  Maybe that's TMI but I thought he would never do this.  He is very stubborn about things and I really didn't want to explain to his teacher next year why he sits down to pee. 

Have a good weekend!!

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