Sunday, April 8, 2012

Expert Egg Hunters!!

One of our local churches held a big egg hunt for the community on Good Friday.  They had 4,000 eggs, jumpies, face painting, balloon animals, and the best part free chick-fil-a chicken sandwiches and McDonalds hamburgers.  It was a really fun event.  The kids had a really fun time. 

 Waiting in line for a balloon.

 He didn't want to take a picture.

just chewin on a cup

Nana and my ginger baby

getting our balloons

sweet neice Audrie sleeping through all the excitement



ready to hunt some eggs

I was nervous for Austin because I didn't think he knew what he was supposed to do.  I was afraid that some other kid would grab the egg he was going for and have a complete meltdown.  I was wrong.  It was like he had been hunting eggs for years.  He did great!!

Audrie and her poodle balloon.

blurry hunting pic

another blurry hunting pic

Uncle Jeremy and Austin

Abigail got so many eggs that her basket  broke on the way to the car.  

They had an awesome time and I am so happy they are finally getting to the age where they enjoy these activities and I can just sit back and watch. 


Love to hear your thoughts!!