Wednesday, March 20, 2013

the ball fields {aka our new home}

I knew this day was coming and it has arrived.  I have two kids playing ball this year.  Austin is playing t-ball at the boys fields and Abigail is playing softball at the girls fields.  Oh and did I forget to mention that the fields are clear across town from each other!  Yes, fun times!

This is what our weeks will look like for the unforeseeable future.

Monday: Abigail practice 5:30-6:30

Tuesday: Austin practice 6:30-7:30

Wednesday: Team Kids at church 6:00-7:00

Thursday: Austin practice 6:30-7:30

Friday: Abigail practice 5:30-6:30

This is just until games start and then I don't know what our schedule will look like.  It really worked out pretty good.  Austin will have one or two Monday and Friday practices that will overlap with Abigail's but that's what Nana and Papa's are for.  

Austin had his first practice yesterday and he LOVED it!  He didn't know what he was doing most of the time, but he had a blast.

I really don't mind being at the ball fields 4 nights a week.  I grew up at the ballpark.  There is just one little pain in the behind this year, and his name is Jackson.

Trying to watch him and Austin practice at the same time takes some serious juggling skills.  Climbing on bleachers is our number one battle. 

But really I can't complain, he was pretty good other than that.  He didn't run off and after a while stopped trying to climb up the bleachers.  

More t-ball and softball pictures and posts to come, so stay tuned.  

Oh I almost forgot, Austin hit the ball and ran to the pitchers mound instead of first base, twice.  We were cracking up!  He was all smiles though.  He didn't care!

Good thing I have 4 more years until Jack can play.  I don't even want to imagine juggling three kids sports schedules.  Yikes!


Love to hear your thoughts!!