Sunday, March 10, 2013

Mom's Story (3rd and final part)

My parents were aboard the cruise ship Triumph that was adrift in the gulf for 5 days. My mom has been writing guest posts to tell her story.  If you missed her first 2 guest posts you can read them by clicking on the links below.

Part 1

Part 2

(4th day adrift)

Thursday morning we woke up very excited about getting to Mobile that afternoon.  We were able to talk to Jenifer.  She wanted to come and pick us up in Mobile, but instead we made plans to ride a bus to New Orleans where she and Kelsie would drive and pick us up on Friday morning.

When the Triumph finally limped into the port at Mobile, Alabama, everyone on board was so happy to see dry land.  Rod and I immediately boarded a bus to New Orleans to spend the night.  Jena, Kelsie and Jack were their the next morning to pick us up.  

(on dry land)

When I saw my kids faces I broke down.  God had allowed me to stay in their lives a while longer.  To touch them and hold them was so precious to me.  

When we got home, it was a wonderful feeling walking through those doors.  

I know looking back, God was always in control.  That was my advice to people on the ship.  I would tell them that we can't change our situation, so just let God have it.  I felt peace and I know a lot of that was from the prayers of all my family and friends.  Thank you to all who lifted us up during this time.  God heard your prayers and he brought us home safely.  

Two things I learned:

Do not take things for granted.  I thank God everyday for the little things.

Never leave town without hugging and telling all of your family that you love them.

I just have to say that I have the BEST  mom in the world.  Our whole family has learned a lot through this horrible situation.  You don't realize what you have until it's taken away.  I hope if you are reading this, that you can take the lessons learned and written here and apply them to your life.  I know that if my mom did not have a relationship with Christ, things would have been a lot worse for her.  She knew her God was greater and more powerful than what she was going through and that all things happen for a reason.  God knows better than we do and even though it's tough sometimes, we just have to have faith in Him.  

He will carry us through any situation!

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.

Deuteronomy 31:6

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