Thursday, May 3, 2012

why I love teacher appreciation week...

This past week was Teacher Appreciation Week at our school.  This is the best week.  We are fed breakfast and lunch everyday and our kids bring us some great gifts.  We have the best parents and PTO!! They organized a truly awesome week for us!! 

Here are some pics of my goodies....


  1. Wow, I need to work at your school! I didn't get anything!

    1. Nothing?! That's a Bummer :(.

      You should move on down here and I'll put in a good word for ya. Lol

  2. so sweet! you must have fun with that loot.

  3. I mean, a mug with your initial on it?!? Jealous.

  4. Teacher appreciation week is next week for us. The secretaries make us a big spaghetti lunch on Wednesday, and each of them bring in a different sauce. It's really my favorite day of the year. My leadership class is also painting flower pots for every teacher. I try not to peek at the one that is going to me, but I am lucky that it is one of my favorite girls is painting mine. (One year a boy painted one for me, and it was a mess. Thoughtful, but a mess.)

    1. Flower pots! What a good idea!! I'll have to remember that for next year.

      Spaghetti day sounds awesome!!

  5. How fun!!!!

    Looks like you scored, big time!!!


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