Thursday, May 10, 2012

Jack-Jack {9 months}

It's seems like I've blinked and now he is 9 months old and boy has he been changing.


My best guess for weight is about 20 pounds.  He is beating my other two for sure.  Abigail and Austin were barely 20 pounds at 12 months.  He is wearing size 9-12 month clothes really well.  I think he will be my big bubba.  I know he's not really that big, but compared to mother other two kids he is big. 


Not great.  He usually takes a morning and afternoon nap for my mom and sleeps really soundly for his naps.  He will go down for the night at around 8 or 9pm.  He will wake somewhere between 1 and 3am to have a bottle and go straight back to sleep.  For the past week he's been waking in the morning at about 6:30 ready to play.  Brent is loving that!(sarcasm) 


He is an AWESOME eater!!  He pretty much eats whatever you put in front of him or on a spoon.  He enjoys all flavors of jarred baby food.  He still eats his rice cereal a few times a day.  His favorite things to eat right now are finger foods.  We have been giving him all sorts of things.  He likes peas, green beans, carrots, red beans, crackers, turkey, ham, pancakes, pasta, french fries, yogurt, pears, apples, bananas.  The list goes on and on.  We cut just about anything up into tiny finger food pieces and let him try it, as long as it dissolves easy.  I really hope this continues.

We also started giving him a little apple juice and water in his sippy cup and he enjoys chewing on it.  He takes a few sips, but isn't super interested in drinking it just yet.  Actually since I started writing this three days ago, he has started gulping down his juice.  He loves it now!  Funny how babies can change in a matter of days.

new skills

He has developed so many new skills this month so here goes...

* He's been pulling up on everything for a while now.  He walks along furniture.  He has a little push toy he will walk behind.  I think he could stand by himself, but he gets too nervous.   Here is a video of him with his walking toy.  Too bad our living room is too messy for him to get anywhere.

*He is waving bye-bye and clapping his hands.  I think he is going to be really smart!  I'm sure I'm not biased or anything. lol

I know this is a blurry picture, but you can sort of see he is clapping.   He loves to clap.

*He says mama, baba, dada, but he doesn't really associate them with anything.  He says mama when he's upset and baba/dada when he's playing and happy. 

Another blurry picture, but in this one he is making his CHEESY face.  He just started doing this really silly/cheesy smile.  I love it, but it's hard to get a picture of it. 

 *He has a funny little growly/screechy noise he likes to make.  He thinks he's pretty funny.  Here's a little video where you can here his noise, but for some reason he gets upset after.  I think it's because he is getting two more teeth on top right now.   

*He loves to dance.  Anytime music comes on he starts bouncing up and down. 


*Jackson has had 3 more teeth pop up this month.  That makes a total of 5 teeth.  I'm pretty sure he's working on another one on top.  Those little suckers are sharp too!

*He's had a cold for about a week.  He had a nasty runny nose and was a bit grumpier than normal.  He absolutely HATES having his nose wiped.  You would think we were torturing him to death. 

*He loves being in the same room with Abigail and Austin.  He will follow them throughout the house.  I'm sure he will be learning all sorts of bad habits from them pretty soon. 

This a picture of Jackson playing his first game of hide and seek with the kids.  He didn't last long in the closet.  Playing with the hangers gave away our position. 

My baby boy is growing up way too fast!  Slow down Jack-Jack!!!!!

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