Thursday, April 18, 2013

we heart cousins

Last weekend, Brent's mom and step-dad took Abigail and Austin for a weekend getaway.  They went to a wildlife refuge, where they ride in covered wagons and feed animals.  Austin kept calling it the animal shelter.

Brent's Uncle and Aunt from Alabama also met them there.  They have two kids almost exactly the same age as Abigail and Austin.  We see them about once every other year or so, but the kids always pick right back up and act like they play together everyday.

Another highlight of the trip was that the hotel had a pool.  Brent's mom said they swam for two or three hours every day.

Here are several pictures that I stole from Brent's Aunt's Facebook page.  
Seth and Austin

Abigail and Kaitlyn in the pool!!

silly boys

swimming again

Austin loves Paw Paw Terry!!

sweet friends

Breakfast time!!

They had a blast!!

We were sad we couldn't go too, but Brent was working and we thought Jack would be just too much to handle by myself for two nights in a hotel.  I could have done it, but I don't think it would have been very relaxing.

Speaking of loving our cousins, I thought I should throw this picture in of Jack and Audrie playing and watching Yo Gabba Gabba!  

Cousins are the best!

1 comment:

  1. I love the new layout! AND how cute is Abigail's face in your header??


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